Saturday, 27 April 2013

Proportions on My Plate

I just watched the documentary  "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" about this Australian gentleman named Joe Cross who decided to go on a 2 month juice fast. His goal was to get himself off his medications, particularly prednisone for chronic urticaria, and get himself healthier. 

What he was saying about his lifestyle choices kinda struck a note with me. Even though I'm an holistic practitioner, there are times when my diet is just awful - too many refined foods, meats and just plain junk (I do like my pizzas and take-out chinese food) . Even I tend to lean towards the typical western diet with its emphasis on meat and potatoes over veggies.

So today I've decided that the husband and I are going to be eating more of a Mediterranean/Vegetarian diet (even though he doesn't know it yet) with it's emphasis on fruits, veggies, legumes, lean proteins such as fish and nuts.(I can just hear the husband going "ugg, rabbit food").  Now I'm not going to be doing a juice fast (mostly because I don't have a juicer) but what the movie was saying about the proportions that the Western diet has in regards to a typical plate being 1/2 protein, 1/4 refined carbohydrate and 1/4 of over cooked vegetable just reminded me that this is what I've been doing for the last couple of months. 

One of the first steps I'm going to be doing is changing the proportions on my plate with 1/2 being raw or lightly cooked vegetables/fruit, 1/4 complex carbohydrate and 1/4 protein. This is going to be a fairly simple change and I'm hoping that it's going to help with my energy and skin problems. I also know that this is going to take longer than doing a juice fast but every little bit helps. Now I'm off to look through my cookbooks and get my shopping list together.

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