Thursday, 20 February 2014

Looking After Yourself and Looking Good : Part 1

Spoiling yourself may seem like something selfish but at times it can be your best retreat from the stresses in your life. 

Some of the things that I have done for myself to deal with stress have included taking aromatherapy baths and showers, meditating, yoga, making my own face scrubs and trying out new nail polish designs. I will admit that sometimes doing things like my nails has not worked out (adjusting someone in bed with slightly wet nails sucks) but sometimes these little things have made me feel better.

There is a saying "dress for the job you want, not the job you have" and I feel this phrase works well for caregivers. The reason for this is that although you may be overwhelmed with the changes in your life, how you look can change your opinion of yourself. You can be stressed out but, if you look half decent, I have found that you look at life from a brighter side and can do a better job no matter what you do.

When I'm stressed out I have found that my face breaks out with zits way more. I have tried prescription  Retinol creams, things like Clearasil and pine tar soaps. Of course the zits affect the way I feel about myself - the more zits the worse I feel. One thing I have found to work for me is called oil cleansing. What you do is moisten your face with warm water, apply a little coconut oil and wipe off with a damp washcloth - it's kinda like using Pond's Cold Cream. I also make  a face scrub using coconut oil and baking soda with some essential oils to help my skin. Since I have been doing this, my breakouts are smaller and easier to hide with a tiny bit of makeup. ( I believe I have seborrhetic dermatitis although this has not been proven )  I will admit that this has worked for me and even other people have noticed how much my face has improved.

In doing my nails, I found that taking a couple of days to do them can help with the problem of a botched manicure. Personally, I'd rather wait and get my nail design right rather than do it all at once. I'd rather take a day or so to do a couple of layers of polish rather than have my Mani ruined. Doing a layer at at a time can be a problem ( I hate it when nail polish chips) but you're less likely to have a problem in the long run especially if you have to adjust your care partner.

Makeup may seem like something to be avoided but, I have found that if you at least do your eye make up, you feel better about yourself and don't feel so tired. That and a bit of lip-gloss and you're ready to go.

Dressing "up" may seem silly, but I've found that if you dress in your grungy clothes, you feel grungy. Now if this is a look that you're going for, by all means have at it. Dressing nice means that you feel nice. This is not to say that you can't wear sweats, just make them look amazing (think Lulu Lemon or Nike ads).

More Later.....

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